By February 2022, all Scottish homes will need to have interlinked alarms. The legislation has been introduced by the Scottish Government following of the Grenfell Tower fire in London in 2017, and it applies to all Scottish homes. Interlinked means if one goes off, they all go off, and it …
Clients experiencing financial difficulties On the 18th May 2020, the Financial Conduct Authority introduced new measures for insurance and premium finance firms to help clients in financial difficulty. Should you be experiencing financial hardship, or if things change at work or home, we may be able to help by: Re-assessing …
What’s an ERN? An Employer Reference Number (ERN) is given to every business that registers with HMRC and serves to identify you as an employer for employee income tax and national insurance (NI) purposes. It’s a unique set of letters and numbers used by the Treasury to identify your company …
COVID-19: Potential exposures to directors and senior managers Claims culture and worker safety are hitting the headlines with some parts of the UK starting to return to work. Companies House data in February and March shows the emergence of 45 newly incorporated limited companies that contain the words ‘corona’ or …