Following the government decision to put the UK into lockdown, inspection service providers sought guidance from the HSE and SAFed on the approach required for statutory inspections. As of Thursday 26 March, inspections will be conducted in accordance with the latest HSE and SAFed (The Safety Assessment Federation) guidance.
Engineer surveyors are categorised as ‘Key workers’ and agreement has been reached across the UK inspection industry for the continuation of inspection services for essential services, which are as follows
· health care settings (hospitals, GP practices and essential NHS hubs) and pharmacies
· schools used for essential workers childcare
· services and utilities (power, gas, water, sewage, waste)
· retail, manufacturing, port services and transport serving essential provisions (food, medical supplies, fuel etc.)
· maintenance and repair serving essential provision, as above
· social / economically vital sites and services (construction, large employers)
· essential commerce including Government / local council hubs of activity, banking.
In respect of individual insurers stance on non-essential service inspections, clients are advised to contact their insurance advisor to discuss this.
Please get in touch if you require any advice surrounding this.
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